Wellness Wednesday online programs feature cutting-edge researchers, best-selling authors, and health professionals.
Combine scientific evidence with practical advice
60 minutes in length
Include live Q&A
Are recorded
Free to the community
our spring 2025 Speaker Panel:
“The Wellness Wednesday programs are excellent. Sally consistently presents outstanding speakers in their field, all relevant to older adults. They have become a favorite resource for our community.
Browse Past Programs
Dr. Mark Moore - Living with Loss & Grief
Dr. Kelly McGonigal - Make Stress Your Friend
Dave Barry - Lessons from Lucy
Sally Duplantier & Dr. Elizabeth Edgerly - Is It Alzheimer’s or Just Normal Aging?
Dr. Anna Lembke - The Battle with Compulsive Overconsumption
Sally Duplantier & Darlene Marshall - Evolving Your Purpose
Dr. Christopher Gardner - Healthy Gut, Healthier You
Kyrie Carpenter - Playful Aging
Become a supporter today for full access to the complete Wellness Wednesday video library. All supporters gain instant access to the following Wellness Wednesday programs:
Beth Malow, MD - Optimizing Sleep Health: The Role of Circadian Rhythms
Mary Sco, MD/PhD - The Truth About Supplements
Christopher Gardner, PhD - What’s News in Nutrition
Sally Duplantier, MS - Chronic Inflammation: Too Much of a Good Thing
Mahima Gulati, MD - GLP-1 Medications: Exploring the Benefits and Risks
Sally Duplantier, MS - Aging & Protein: Our Evolving Dietary Needs
Quinn Kennedy, PhD - Brain Boosters: Separating Fad from Fact
Will Bulsiewicz, MD, Fiber Fueled: The Power of Fiber to Transform Your Health
Allan Mishra, MD, Why Muscle Matters to Your Mobility and Longevity
Rachel Dolhun, MD, DipABLM, Movement Disorders: What You Should Know
Christopher Gardner, PhD - Chews Wisely: Rethink What You Eat and Why
Annie Fenn, MD - A Q&A Session with the Founder of The Brain Health Kitchen
Sally Duplantier - Bone Health & Nutrition: What You Should Know
Brittney Cappiello - Improve Your Pelvic Floor Health
Dr. Ali Saad - Stroke Risk and Warnings
Kerry Devlin - Music as Medicine
Dr. Annie Fenn - Brain Healthy Eating: Food vs. Supplements
Sally Duplantier & Karen Brownlee - The Link Between Balance, Osteoporosis & Arthritis
Dr. Lisa Strauss - Oh, for a Better Night’s Sleep
Dr. Quinn Kennedy - Maintaining Good Cognitive Function in Late Adulthood
Dr. Christopher Gardner - Personalized Nutrition
Dr. Matthew Landry - Keto vs. Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?
Jackie Olson - Declutter Your Life
Dr. Allan Mishra - Healthy Knees As You Age
Dr. Anthony Crimarco - Alternative Protein: Is It Healthy?
Dr. Jeni Clayton - Diabetes Debunked
Dr. Anna Lembke - The Battle with Compulsive Overconsumption
Dr. Carolyn Torkelson - The Unique Health Needs of Women As They Age
Dr. Kami Hoss - If Your Mouth Could Talk
Dr. Zafar Sayed - Sleep Apnea: Risks And Remedies
Teresa Maldonado Marchok - Exercise Modifications For Osteoporosis
Dr. Rustin Moore - The Power Of Pets: How Animals Improve Our Health
Michelle St. Pierre - Cannabis For Pain, Anxiety, & Sleep
Pamela Tate - The Link Between Human Health & Soil Health
Dr. Nola Peacock - “TLC” For Your Heart
Sally Duplantier - The Protein Needs Of Older Adults
Dr. Annie Fenn - Techniques For Healthier Meal Prep
Erin Paruszewski - The Importance Of Functional Movement
Dr. Christopher Gardner - Healthy Gut, Healthier You
Dr. Rohit Moghe - The Pill Alternative: Lifestyle Medicine
Erin Paruszewski - Practice Makes Posture
Dr. Annie Fenn & Sally Duplantier - Eat Your Way To Better Brain Health
Darlene Marshall - Upward Spirals: The Positive Effect Of Movement
Cynthia Benjamin - Preventing Loss Of Independence Through Exercise
Dr. Laura Maphis & Sally Duplaniter - Sleep & Insomnia: Aged-Related Changes & Remedies
Sally Duplantier - Want Better Health? It Takes Guts!
Dr. Christopher Gardner - What To Eat? It Depends
Sally Duplantier - Can You Boost Your Immune System?
Sally Duplantier - Healthy At Home
Dr. Christopher Gardner - The Healthier Diet: Keto Vs. Mediterranean
The Science of Telomeres - Sally Duplantier
Lisa Genova, PhD - Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting
Dr. Mark Moore - Living with Loss & Grief
Dr. Quinn Kennedy - Mindfulness and Aging
Dr. Daniel Schacter - The Seven Sins Of Memory
Michelle St. Pierre - Cannabis For Pain, Anxiety, & Sleep
Ed Harrold - Introduction To Mindful Breathing
Dr. Angela Lumba-Brown - The Neuroscience Of Meditation
Dr. Susan Charles - Why Emotions Get Better With Age
Dr. David Fryburg - The Science Of Kindness
Patricia Ryan Madson - What We Can Learn From Improv
Darlene Marshall - Upward Spirals: The Positive Effect Of Movement
Dr. Linda Sasser - Brain Sense
Dr. Evan Parks - Talk To Your Brain To Manage Your Pain
Dr. Leah Buturain - Gratitude And Resilience
Dr. Linda Sasser - Pave Your Way To A Better Memory
Teresa Marchok - Brain Power And Exercise
Dr. Brynn Ewen - The Foot Doctor is In
Dr. Andrea Furlan - Conquering Chronic Pain
Dr. Steve Taddei - Better Hearing, Better Life
Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum - Introduction To Functional Medicine
Dr. James Fricton - When Head, Neck, And Jaw Pain Won’t Quit
Dr. Evan Parks - Dealing With Undiagnosed Chronic Pain
Dr. Allan Mishra - Healthy Shoulders As You Age
Dr. Sarah Jacobson - Healthy Skin As You Age
Dr. Brynn Ewen - Healthy Feet As You Age
Dr. Evan Parks - Talk To Your Brain To Manage Your Pain
Dr. Moshasha & Dr. Han - Maintaining Healthy Eyes As You Age
Ashton Applewhite - Ageism: Let’s Get Out of Our Own Way
Dr. Jennifer Ailshire - The Secrets of SuperAgers
Carol Marak - Solo Aging
Sheri Rose - Independent Living Through Technology
Kyrie Carpenter - Playful Aging
Cynthia Benjamin - Preventing Loss Of Independence Through Exercise
Dave Shurna & Mike Braham - What’s Within You: Live A No Barriers Life
Barbara Waxman - How To Cultivate An Empowered Long Life
Dr. Louise Aronson - Elderhood: Reimagining Aging
Pamela Martin - Transitioning Belongings
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We need your support to keep Wellness Wednesdays going! For as little as $50, you can cover costs incurred and help guarantee that these high-quality programs will continue in the future for all older adults who benefit from them.