Into Africa!

This coming Friday, I will embark on a two-and-a-half week trip of a lifetime: an African safari. There are many reasons I chose to go on this trip but a big one is this: it gets me out of my comfort zone. Way outside my comfort zone!

Places I'll Visit
I am going with a small group of leaders from the African Wildlife Foundation. Their mission is to ensure wildlife and wild lands thrive in modern Africa. We will start in Kenya and proceed to Tanzania, where we will watch the migration of magnificent animals and sleep in tents on the Serengeti. I can't really picture this experience because it is so different from anything I've done before. And that's the point.

Getting Outside Our Comfort Zone
As we age, we tend to embrace comfort and routine. That is certainly true for me. I love routine so much that after every Wellness Wednesday, I go to the same restaurant, sit at the same booth, and order the same meal! While nothing is wrong with this, if we continually operate within our comfort zone, we lose some of the richness of life. We also limit our creativity and ability to adapt to new situations.

What Can You Try This Week?
Of course, you don't need to go to Africa to get outside your comfort zone. For some of us, just getting out of the house or the town we live in is plenty. What one new thing could you try this week? It doesn't even have to be new -- just something you haven't done for a while.