Smart Bite: Good Reads

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I wanted to share a few favorite books that I have read in the last few years. Some caught my interest in a bookstore, and others were written by outstanding authors who delivered Wellness Wednesday presentations in 2021.

Why We Sleep (Dr. Matthew Walker)

More than a book on sleep and dreams, Why We Sleep is one of the most important health books of the 21st century. Neuroscientist and researcher Dr. Matthew Walker provides scientific evidence on how sleep effects our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

The Telomere Effect (Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn & Dr. Elissa Epel)

This book combines scientific research with practical advice about how lifestyle and psychological habits can slow the aging process.  Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn and her team won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their research on telomeres (the end caps on the strands of DNA).

Brain SENSE (Dr. Linda Sasser)

This practical workbook helps us understand the differences between normal age-related memory changes and behaviors that could indicate cognitive impairment. Learn how memory works, the various causes of forgetting, and Dr. Sasser's easy to use strategies for a better memory. Dr. Sasser was a Wellness Wednesday speaker on April 21st.

Improv Wisdom (Patricia Ryan Madson)

This gem of a book explores how the attitudes and techniques used by generations of musicians and artists can help us lighten up, think on our feet, and take on everything life has to offer with skill, chutzpah, and a sense of humor. Ms. Ryan was a Wellness Wednesday speaker on August 11th.

Chronic Pain Rehabilitation (Dr. Evan Parks)

This books help chronic pain sufferers understand pain from a neuroscience lens and gradually rebalance the pain scale in the brain. It is ideal for people who want to change their relationship with pain and return to the things they love to do. Dr. Parks was a Wellness Wednesday speaker on September 8th.

Half the Sugar, All the Love (Jennifer Tyler Lee & Dr. Anisha Patel)

I have made almost a dozen recipes from this cookbook! It shows how to incorporate fiber-rich vegetables and fruits into sweet and savory dishes, dramatically reducing added sugar.