Smart Bite: How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Eating enough protein is vital for our health, yet there is a lot of controversy in the scientific world on how much to eat. On one hand, the general American population consumes twice the amount of protein they need per day. On the other hand, older adults may not consume enough protein to maintain a healthy muscle mass.

With all the varying research, how much protein do adults aged 55+ really need?

Learn What the Science Says

On our March 9th Wellness Wednesday (11 am PT), Sally Duplantier will share highlights of a recent study she did at USC, analyzing the protein needs of older adults to reduce muscle loss and avoid the risk of sarcopenia, an age-related disease with severe muscle wasting.

Through discussion and case studies, you will learn:

  • How to calculate the right amount of protein for you based on weight & activity

  • How to add more plant-based sources of protein to your diet

  • Why eating protein throughout the day vs. at one meal is important

  • Why strength training, in combination with protein consumption, is key to maintaining muscle mass

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