Smart Bite: Lifestyle Medicine

Did you know that over 80% of all US healthcare cost is tied to the treatment of conditions rooted in poor lifestyle choices? These conditions include hypertension, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and multiple types of cancer—all of which are largely preventable.

Instead of reaching for a prescription pad, there is a new trend among healthcare professionals toward Lifestyle Medicine. This practice includes evidence-based therapeutic interventions such as nutrition, movement, sleep, stress reduction, and social connections which are used by trained and certified clinicians to prevent, treat and often reverse chronic disease.

Upcoming Wellness Wednesday: November 10th @ 11 am

Our next Wellness Wednesday webinar, The Pill Alternative: Lifestyle Medicine, features Rohit Moghe, PharmD. Dr. Moghe is a clinician and pharmacist working at the intersection of population health, personalized medicine, and emerging therapeutics. He is an out-of-the box thinker and doer who wants to creatively disrupt healthcare delivery to improve the health of individuals, communities, and populations.

In this upcoming Wellness Wednesday webinar, Dr. Moghe will address questions such as these:

  • How is lifestyle medicine different than functional or traditional medicine ?

  • What is polypharmacy, and why is it such a concern for older adults?

  • What is the scientific evidence related to emerging therapeutics like cannabis for pain relief?

  • What role do yoga and meditation play in emerging forms of healthcare?

Register to Attend

Registration is free but you need to register to attend (or to receive the recording). Click the button below. Special thanks to our sponsor, Alkalign Studios.