Smart Bite: Practice Makes Posture

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When you were growing up, did your mom or a teacher cajole you to “stand up straight?” Not only did my mom stress it, but books on how to be a “fine young lady” emphasized it as well. I recall walking around the living room with my twin and our best friend, balancing books upon our heads, all in the name of better posture. While the book-on-the-head exercise never worked, the overall advice about good posture is worth heeding.

Why Posture Matters

Good posture does more than help us look better. It provides a myriad of health benefits, including better breathing, back relief, brighter mood, and improved digestion. Posture also plays a key role in balance, which makes every day movement easier, from getting up from a chair to toting packages to turning around to look behind you.

What Contributes to Posture

It turns out there isn’t a right or wrong way to improve posture that works for everyone. While poor posture can be due to inattention or bad habits, there are also physical reasons. These include inflexible muscles from lack of stretching to poor muscle strength, especially of the core muscles, due to inactivity.

Small Changes Can Have Big Payoffs

No matter what factors have influenced the shape you are in, the good news is that small changes in your alignment can have a big impact on how you feel and move. Erin Paruszewski, an expert in functional fitness, says:

A small shift in something you do every day — like sitting, standing, or sleeping — can make a difference. Not only will you look better, but you can reduce aches, pain, and discomfort thgouh better alignment and posture. — Erin Paruszewski, Founder, Alkalign

Get Practical Tips on Improving Posture

Join Erin Paruszewski and co-presenter Apryl Stern for a Wellness Wednesday session, Practice Makes Posture, on April 25th at 11 am PT. This session is free but you need to register to attend (or receive the recording and handout).