Smart Bite: Snacks That Satisfy

Snacking has been around for centuries. In ancient times, our ancestors consumed light foods like figs or apples between meals. The original American snack food was the peanut, introduced around the time of the Civil War, followed by popcorn later in the 19th century. Between 1950-2000, America became a nation of snackers, fueled by food manufacturers producing high-sugar, high-fat, processed treats that added billions to their bottom lines and inches to our waistlines.

Despite the bad rap that snacking may have today, it can still be a good between-meal option. To me, an ideal snack should be both nutritious and a little fun. In other words, it fills you up but it also lights up some pleasure centers—maybe not as much as a jelly donut, but you get the idea.

My New Favorite Snack: High Fiber, High Protein Tortillas

A Zing community member, Theresa, introduced me to high fiber, high protein tortillas and they have become a staple. The brand I like is Guerrero’s Nutri-Ricas, with 60 calories, 4 grams of protein, 13 grams of carbohydrate, 9 grams of fiber, and no added sugar. If you can’t find Nutri-Ricas look for similar low carb/high fiber options in your grocery store. To turn them into a snack that satisfies, add a little healthy fat and more protein if you want. The combination of carb/protein/fat helps you digest the food more slowly, keeping you full longer.

Preparation Ideas

  • Add a healthy fat to the base like hummus, ripe avocado, or a light cheese spread like Laughing Cow.

  • Top with shredded raw or lightly sautéed vegetables, spinach, and dried or cherry tomatoes.

  • Add about an ounce of protein (optional) like diced chicken or black beans.

  • Make ahead and keep in the refrigerator. Depending on the ingredients, these will last a few days.

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