Smart Bite: The Joy of Movement

There is overwhelming research showing the benefits of exercise for our physical health, but it is equally important for our mental well-being. In her best-selling book, The Joy of Movement, health psychologist Dr. Kelly McGonigal shows how simply moving more remodels the brain to make us more receptive to joy and social connection. This, in turn, increases happiness, resilience, self-expression, and self-efficacy.

“Too often,” Dr. McGonigal says, “we focus on exercise as a way to lose weight. It’s so much more than that. It is not a gimmick to get you to burn some calories. Instead, movement will give you access to joy that will dramatically improve the quality of your life.”

Learn More about The Joy of Movement

I am delighted to welcome Dr. McGonigal as our guest speaker for the May 25th Wellness Wednesday (11 am PT) on The Joy of Movement. Dr. McGonigal will share highlights of her research and will lead us in a short “joy moves” experience that is accessible to all.

You will learn:

  • How teaching dance classes to older adults inspired much of Dr. McGonigal’s work.

  • Why movement in any form and dose produces energy.

  • How movement makes you more receptive to joy and social connection.

  • How to make movement part of your life even if you don’t like exercise.

Register to Attend or Receive the Recording

This program is free but you need to register. Special thanks to our sponsor, Assured in Home Care, Inc., providing compassionate in-home care in Orange County, California.