Smart Bite: The Joy of Movement


If you enjoy exercise on a regular basis, chances are you have experienced an “upward spiral.” This term comes from the field of Positive Psychology, the study of human well-being to help people thrive. Movement does more than help us physically. It helps us emotionally by reducing feelings of depression and stress, enhancing our mood, and increasing our energy level. Exercise creates an upward spiral by making us feel good, so we move more, which in turn makes us feel good, and so on.

The Research of Upward Spirals

Emerging research shows that upward spiral contribute to our well-being by widening our attention and increasing our cognition. Upward spirals redirect our energies to more productive thinking and behavior. They help us avoid the decent to a downward spiral mode in which we get stuck in our negative thoughts.

What If I Don’t Enjoy Exercise…Or Movement?

What if you have become more sedentary due to the pandemic, or just don’t enjoy exercise? The good news is that there are ways to “start small” with movement, so you can find joy over time and begin to experience an upward spiral that makes moving more enjoyable.

Learn More About Upward Spirals

Join us for a special Wellness Wednesday session, Upward Spirals: Positive Psychology Through Movement (June 9, 11 am PT), to learn the science behind upward spirals and how to create and sustain them in your own life. Our guest speaker is Darlene Marshall, a thought leader, author, and coach working at the intersection of fitness and Positive Psychology. You will discover:

  • How movement and mindfulness create an upward spiral of positive emotion

  • How to start moving more if exercise isn’t a regular part of your life

  • How to get more joy out of exercise if you already do it on a regular basis

  • How to increase positivity in your life, even if you’re not “wired” that way

This webinar is free but you need to register to attend (or received the recording and handout). Special thanks to The Forum at Rancho San Antonio for sponsoring this program.