In this interview with Lisa Strauss, PhD, a licensed psychologist and sleep disorders specialist, we will explore some “uncommon sense” ideas to improve sleep. Based on her Washington Post articles, Dr. Strauss will share 3 ways to fix sleep issues when nothing else works and 3 ways to stop waking up frequently in the night. We will get Dr. Strauss’s perspective on how to reduce dependency on sleep medications, and how to find a professional if you need more help with insomnia.
Lisa Strauss, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and sleep disorders specialist. In her private practice, she devotes half of her time to sleep concerns, and has worked with several thousand sleep patients since 1994. Dr. Strauss earned her PhD in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and is certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine by the American Board of Sleep Medicine. Previously, Dr. Strauss was an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School where she trained psychology interns in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of sleep disorders.
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