Many people don’t realize that we actually have some control over our cognitive aging process. In fact, several scientific studies demonstrate that everyday habits in our 30s – 50s will affect brain health and cognitive function in our 70s and 80s. In this webinar, learn how to stave off age-related declines in cognitive function and the onset of dementia symptoms using non-pharmaceutical, evidence-based approaches.
Dr. Quinn Kennedy earned a PhD in Psychology and completed postdoctoral training in Cognitive Aging, both at Stanford University. She is the Director of Aging Research at neuroFit. Dr. Kennedy’s 20+ years of research in adult aging has been recognized through multiple awards, grants, and peer reviewed journal publications including Psychological Science, Psychology of Aging, and Journals of Gerontology. With her collaborators, her work has been featured on Channel 2 news, NPR, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Science. Dr. Kennedy is a popular speaker on healthy cognitive aging and conducts the workshop, “Planning for Your Late Life Brain: Habits You Can Build Now to Maintain Cognitive Function Later,” through Stanford Continuing Studies. Dr. Kennedy is also a guest contributor to Psychology Today.
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