Smart Bite: Can Stress be Good for You?


For decades we have heard “stress is bad” and “you need to better manage your stress.” Stress has been blamed for everything from the common cold to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. We’re afraid of dying from stress – but we don’t know how to deal with it.

 However, new research shows that stress itself isn’t the enemy – rather it’s our perception of stress that impacts our health and mortality. (1)

 Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal does a brilliant job in this TED talk of netting out the research and providing practical ways in which you can reframe the stress in your life. You will begin to see it as tool for courage, resilience, and compassion, and that in turn will make you healthier.

 I encourage you to watch the TED talk – it’s the best use of 14 minutes you’ll ever find!