Smart Bite: The Perfect Snack


For people trying to eat healthy and manage their weight, finding the perfect snack can be a bit of a quest.  Often they tire of their “go-to snack” or find that they are still hungry after eating it.  Here are snack guidelines as well as recipes.

 What Your Snack Should Include

Assuming you’re having this snack to tide you over to the next meal, it should include a blend of carbohydrate, protein and fat.  The carbohydrate is fun and lights up your pleasure centers but the protein and fat create satiety.  A snack like an orange or a plum is okay right before a workout but because it is all carb, it doesn’t have the staying power of a more balanced snack.  Likewise, the high sugar content in fruit enters the bloodstream quickly causing a surge in insulin.  This is problematic for anyone with diabetes or other type of metabolic disorder.  A better choice is to combine fruit with a protein like non-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.  The protein slows down the sugar absorption and digests more slowly, keeping you full longer.

 Sally’s Go To Snacks

These are a few of my personal favorites, all under 150 calories.  Mix and match items based on what you like. 

  • Babybel light cheese and half an apple

  • Justin’s peanut butter (1 t.) and a half slice of Dave’s 60 calorie bread

  • Low fat cottage cheese (1/2 cup) and fresh pineapple (1/3 cup)

  • Non-fat yogurt, Stevia, vanilla and berries

  • Hummus and snap peas, carrot sticks, & red pepper

  • Hummus (2t.) on a slice of Dave’s 60 calorie bread topped with cucumber, dill and cherry tomatoes (you could also add a thin slice of chicken or turkey)

  • 6 large shrimp and Stonewall Kitchen New England cocktail sauce (1 t.) plus some fruit

  • Small non-fat decaf cappuccino with a quarter of an RX bar

  • Half English muffin, 2 T. pizza sauce, diced pepper and ½ oz mozzarella cheese – broil for 3 minutes

 Additional Snack Recipes

The American Diabetes Association is a fabulous source of healthy recipes.  Here is a link to easy-to-prepare snacks, including make-ahead protein bars that many of you have asked for.

 Share Your Feedback

If you prepare one of these recipes or have a favorite go-to snack, drop me an email.  I’ll share it with our Smart Health community in the future.