In Praise of Small Moments

With the advent of the Paris Olympics, there has been a lot of emphasis on the extraordinary. From an early age, we are taught to believe that greatness exists beyond the ordinary, and that true fulfillment requires being exceptional. While I admire the unparalleled talent and determination of these young athletes, there is also something to be said for being ordinary and enjoying the small, simple pleasures of everyday life.

Dr. Robert Waldinger, author of The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Study on Happiness, writes: “Nobody in the United States of America in 2024 aspires to be ordinary. We are led to think that being average is the most dreaded thing imaginable.”

Yet, when we pause and reflect on the things that bring us joy, it is the small moments lived within ordinary lives that make us smile: the smell of the first cup of coffee, holding a grandchild’s hand, the warmth of a sleeping puppy on our lap.

The Joy of Small, Ordinary Moments

I have been collecting these small, ordinary moments as part of my study on Healthy Aging. In this study, I ask participants an open-ended question: what is something you love to do? I have been delighted by their responses, which highlight the ordinary but precious moments of life:

I've got, nine little plants, and I talk to them every day, and I watch their progress. And I've got, I think, six or seven little tomatoes now. It just gives me peace, this sense of time where nothing else matters except watching these little guys grow or helping these little guys grow. - Andy

I really do love to be with people and have a good girl chat or a good conversation over dinner. I am a people person. I also love to be outside in the fresh air. - Helen

I love to read. I think that is my overriding passion in life. I always think that as long as there are books, there is a reason to be alive and to want to educate ourselves. - Maureen

I love to have my first cup of coffee and go for a nice long walk. - Julie

What Do You Love to Do?

Think about what puts a little joy in your heart — and tell me about it. I would love to hear from you! Click this link to drop me a note.