Smart Bite: Extend Yourself to Improve Your Spine

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Since our first shelter-in-place orders back in March, 2020, we have spent a great deal more time in one position: sitting. This includes hours hunched over the computer in lieu of face-to-face visits or meetings in a position that resembles a kidney bean. Combine this “hunching over electronic devices” with the normal wear and tear that our spine undergoes due to age, and we have a perfect storm that leads to back pain, leg pain when standing or walking, and even loss of height.

While some spinal deterioration is due to the normal aging process, there is much we can do to keep our spines healthy.

The Benefit of Spinal Extension

A key way to improve posture and spinal health is through spinal extension exercises. These involve opening the chest in a sitting, standing or prone position. They strengthen our backs, build endurance, and improve posture — all of which help prevent back injury.

Learn Simple Spinal Extension Exercises from an Expert

I am delighted to welcome Licensed Physical Therapist Teresa Maldonado Marchok for a Wellness Wednesday Spine Tuning Workshop on Feb. 10 from 11-11:45 am PT. Ms. Marchok is the founder of Bonesmart Pilates® and is also a former soloist with the Martha Graham Dance Company.

In this mini workshop, you will learn a series of moves and stretches to extend your spine correctly and avoid injury. You will also learn why spine mobility and stability are so important to your overall health, and how to build simple exercises into your day.

This session won’t be recorded, so try to join us in real time! Everyone who registers will receive a detailed handout with the exercises we are practicing. You don’t need any special equipment to participate.