Smart Bite: It Doesn't Have to Hurt to Work

After being very sedentary the first 30 years of my life, I turned my attention to fitness via the Jane Fonda exercise video in 1982. Like millions of women I felt the burn and did a relentless series of arm circles to reduce what Jane called the wobble-wobble in my upper arms. While the video got me on the path of exercise, it was at a time when the prevailing message was “no pain, no gain.”

Misguided Information Still Prevails

Unfortunately in today’s $33 billion dollar US fitness industry, some of that misguided wisdom still prevails. In an effort to get in shape or stay that way, we may work past a point that is necessary and which can cause injury or aggravate chronic conditions like osteoporosis.

There is a lot of misinformation and misguidance about what it means to be healthy that is negatively impacting our physical bodies and mental health.

- David Axelrod, MD, Clinical Professor, Stanford School of Medicine

It Doesn’t Have to Hurt to Work

In her new book, It Doesn’t Have to Hurt to Work, author and holistic health coach Erin Paruszewski challenges the misguided concept that “more is more” when it comes to exercise. Instead, she emphasizes functional movement. This is the pattern of movement our bodies make every day, such as walking, hinging, pulling and pushing, that helps us do daily tasks. We take these movements for granted, but learning to do them mindfully lets us continue doing daily tasks without injury.

Learn More in our January 26th Wellness Wednesday (11 am PT)

I am delighed to welcome Erin on January 26th for Let’s Get Functional: Improve Your Functional Movement. Erin will demonstrate a simple routine you can do every day to build strength and mobility so you can continue doing the things you love with ease, whether it is picking up a pet or a child or simply getting out of a chair more easily.

This program is free but you need to register to attend (or receive the recording). Click HERE to register.

Special thanks to our sponsor, Assured In Home Care, Inc.