Smart Bite: Just Breathe!

In a recent Wellness Wednesday with Dr. Angela Lumba-Brown, co-director of Stanford’s Center for Brain Performance, we learned that meditation has a positive impact on the brain. If “having a meditation practice” sounds a bit daunting, there is an easy way to get started: just breathe.

Becoming aware of the breath and slowing down the inhale and exhale has a powerful effect on both the body and mind. Research shows that mindful breathing shifts the balance within the autonomic nervous system, tamping down the “fight or flight” response and activating the “rest and relax” response instead. This shift results in reduced heart rate, lower blood pressure, better sleep, and even improved immune function.

Try a Simple Breathing Exercise

To experiment with conscious breathing, try this “Mindful Minute” exercise to slow down your breath:

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with eyes closed.

  • Set a timer for minute.

  • Just breathe. Focus on slowing down both the inhale and exhale, even pausing briefly between each.

Slower is Better

According to Ed Harrold, author of Life as Breath:

The average person inhales and exhales from 15-20 times a minute, which makes them run in a fight-or-flight mode all day long. Slowing the breath down from 15 breaths a minute to 10 can have a profound effect, insulating us from emotional and mental stressors.

For the Mindful Minute experiment, 10 breaths (including both inhale and exhale) is a good number for one minute. Slowing down further to 5 breaths per minute helps put the brain into a meditative state, slowing down both the heart rate and brain waves. Over time, and with practice, you can learn to take longer, deeper and slower breaths. Slowing down your breath is always something you can return to when life’s stressors threaten to get the best of you.

Learn More About Mindful Breathing

Ed Harrold joins us for Getting Started with Mindful Breathing on February 23rd, 2022, when Wellness Wednesday returns. Ed blends neuroscience research with the wisdom of contemplative traditions into practical and easy-to-follow advice. Stay tuned for details about this program and others for the Winter line-up.

In the meantime, if you missed any of our 2021 Wellness Wednesday programs, click here for access to the recorded sessions.