Smart Bite: Why Functional Movement Matters

Do you remember the 1980s commercial, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up? Toddlers invent all sorts of ways to get up from sitting or prone positions. As we get older, this becomes more challenging due to lack of strength and flexibility. Traditional gym classes emphasize exercise to build muscle, but what matters more is functional movement. This is the ability to use our bodies to do the things we love and avoid injury, whether it is bending over to pick up a grandchild or a package, or getting out of a chair with ease.

Erin Paruszewski, founder of Alkalign Studios and author of a new book, It Doesn’t Have to Hurt to Work, provides this definition:

Functional movement is training the body and the brain to move better through life. It’s not about bigger biceps or a flatter stomach. The goal is to develop the strength and flexibility to move easily so we can enjoy all aspects of life.

Getting Started with Functional Movement

I’m delighted that Erin will join us in January, 2022, when Wellness Wednesday returns, to share practical advice about functional movement and show ways to practice from home. Until then, Erin has created a five-minute video, I’ve Fallen and I CAN Get Up. Learn three easy ways to get up from a prone position, even without a lot of strength, plus one exercise to build lower body strength to make getting up easier in the future.