Smart Bite: What's Within You


These days, when we ask one another, “How are you?” the typical response is “fine.” Yet we all have challenges: social isolation, financial concerns, a long-term illness, working-from-home fatigue, or kids 24x7. The list goes on and on. As British philosopher Alan Watts says, “Life is wiggly.”

When the going gets tough we may rely on external resources like friends, family, caregivers, and medical professionals. While all of these are good, we have a vitally important resource within us—our minds. Humans have a unique capacity to turn the negative aspects of life into something constructive. In the face of challenges, we have inner strengths to draw on, and the ability to choose our response.

In a very special Wellness Wednesday program on Feb. 24th, 11-11:45 am PT, we will explore ways in which we can overcome barriers, both big and small, and unleash the best in ourselves. Our speakers include Dave Shurna, co-founder of No Barriers USA and co-author of What’s Within You: Your Roadmap to Living Life with No Barriers. Mr. Shurna will be joined by Marine Corps verteran Mike Braham. Our conversation will be inspiring but also practical, as we explore ways in which everyone, no matter what age or walk of life, can reconnect with purpose and overcome obstacles. Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind person to summit Mt. Everest, will join us via a video recording.

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This presentation is geared to people of all ages, so please share this link with your loved ones. It is a free session, but you need to register to attend (or receive the recording). Special thanks to the Forum at Rancho San Antonio for sponsoring this session.