Take Action on Your Healthy Intentions

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As our year draws to a close, I was reflecting on the many presentations I have given. "Eat more fruits and vegetables" always works its way into my message, along with "move more." What strikes me as interesting is that my audience knows this already. There is nothing novel about eating an apple or taking a walk.

However, there is a big gap between knowing and doing. We can have the best intentions about our health -- but how do we bridge the gap between what we know to be important and taking action on a regular basis? The answer lies in habit.

Why Habit is So Powerful

In his best-seller, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg helps us see that habits are an evolutionary way of saving effort.  If something is a habit, the brain doesn't have to waste energy thinking about it.  For example, a daily 30 minute walk goes from "something I should do" (along with the associated procrastination) to "something I wouldn't miss."

Anyone who has tried to create a new habit -- or harder yet, break a bad one -- knows how tough it can be to do this alone. 

Join the Healthy Habits Network

To help people bridge the gap between knowing and doing, I am launching The Healthy Habits Network on November 30th.  This network brings together a small community of likeminded people who want to make lasting, positive change.  I serve as a coach and accountability partner, but we get reinforcement from each other.  

Why Healthy Habits are Important NOW
The holiday season can foster bad habits that turn into mega-resolutions once January 1st rolls around.  It is much easier to focus on one healthy habit now to set the stage for 2021. Especially this year, with so many things out of our control, this is something you can do to take charge of your well-being.  

Learn More

To learn more about my Healthy Habits Network, click the button below. I would love to have you join this special community of people committed to their long-term health. If you have questions, drop me a note: sally@myzinglife.com.