The Latest Brain Health Research

June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month. Given my research these past three years into modifiable risk factors to promote brain health, I wanted to share a few recent studies and upcoming events. 

Personality and Dementia
A 2023 study by researchers at UC Davis and Northwestern University found that certain personality traits, known as the "Big Five," may influence the likelihood of being diagnosed with dementia. In particular, people who had high levels of "conscientiousness," a trait associated with being efficient and organized, were less likely to be diagnosed with dementia. Read more here.

Ultra-processed Foods & Dementia Risk
A new study published in Neurology in May 2024 revealed that higher consumption of foods like soft drinks, chips, and cookies is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and stroke. The study, which followed 30,000+ participants aged 45 or older for an average of 11 years, found that a 10% increase in ultra-processed food intake was linked to a 16% higher risk of cognitive impairment and an 8% higher risk of stroke. Conversely, consuming more unprocessed or minimally processed foods was associated with a lower risk of these conditions. (Note that this observational study shows a correlation; it does not establish causation.)

Bradley Cooper's Caregiving Project
I was delighted to learn about Bradley Cooper's upcoming documentary in 2025 to raise awareness about the 53 million family members who provide more than 34 billion hours of unpaid care annually, much of this for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease. Cooper, who became a caregiver when his father was diagnosed with lung cancer, said, "I believe we can make a difference. I'm extremely proud to produce this documentary. Together, we can help raise the banner for caregivers."