During the last five years, there has been an explosion of research into the gut microbiome—the colony of bacteria and other microorganisms that reside within us and their genetic material. This new study shows that people whose gut bacteria were able to transform over the decades tended to be healthier and live longer.
Smart Bite: Diet Du Jour
The concept of diets can be traced back thousands of years to the 5th century, B.C., when Hippocrates began prescribing fasting for many of his patients. Since then a myriad of diets have emerged, mostly with an emphasis on quick or easy weight loss. In 1087, William the Conquerer, who found himself too fat to ride his horse, proposed the Alcohol Only Diet, which required him to lay in his bed drinking whiskey until he had lost sufficient weight. 1912 brought the Tapeworm Diet, in which people swallowed mail-order, live tapeworm eggs to consume the extra calories from junk food; instead they became malnourished. The 1920's introduced the Cigarette Diet…
Smart Bite: Oh, for a Better Night's Sleep
As a result of the overwhelming evidence linking sleep to good health, I began to make sleep a priority, after years of short-changing myself with only 6.5 hours of sleep per night like most Americans. As part of my research as a gerontology student at USC, I also began to study age-related changes to sleep.
Do Pickles Contain Probiotics?
My favorite blogs are those inspired by questions from the community. I recently gave a presentation on gut health, and shared that pickles are a natural and healthy form of probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for you. They add to the diversity of microbiota in your gut, which results in better immune health, improved digestive health, and may even contribute to better moods and weight control.
Smart Bite: What's Within You
When the going gets tough we may rely on external resources like friends, family, caregivers, and medical professionals. While all of these are good, we have a vitally important resource within us—our minds. Humans have a unique capacity to turn the negative aspects of life into something constructive. In the face of challenges, we have inner strengths to draw on, and the ability to choose our response.
Smart Bite: The Latest Trend in Self-Care
Self-care is more important than ever, as our normal routines are still disrupted a year after the outbreak of a global pandemic. Even though vaccines are rolling out, many older adults still reside in relative isolation. Working moms and dads are commuting from their bedroom to the kitchen office, and kids hunch over computers for hours each day. Whether we are old or young, we need to do something for our physical and emotional well-being.
Smart Bite: Extend Yourself to Improve Your Spine
Since our first shelter-in-place orders back in March, 2020, we have spent a great deal more time in one position: sitting. This includes hours hunched over the computer in lieu of face-to-face visits or meetings in a position that resembles a kidney bean. Combine this “hunching over electronic devices” with the normal wear and tear that our spine undergoes due to age, and we have a perfect storm that leads to back pain, leg pain when standing or walking, and even loss of height.
Smart Bite: The Science of Waking Up
Smart Bite: Healthy Feet as You Age
Our quality of life is directly impacted by the health of our feet, but far too many of us put up with pain or discomfort. An estimated six percent of the US population see podiatrists for foot injuries, bunions, flat feet or fallen arches each year. Foot problems only increase with age, with one in three people over 65 experiencing foot pain, stiffness, or aching feet.
Smart Bite: Muscle Matters
As I coach people on healthy weight loss, one thing is very clear: muscle matters. The amount of lean muscle you have directly impacts your resting metabolic rate (RMR). This is the number of calories your body needs at rest just to perform basic body functions like breathing and maintaining your heart rate.
Smart Bite: Willpower is Overrated
Willpower is more than mind over matter. It is a complex biological and psychological response, which is also true of the stress response. While stress helps us deal with external pressures, willpower helps us deal with internal conflict. Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal calls it the “pause and plan” response vs. “fight or flight.” Willpower puts the body into a calmer state and sends signals to the prefrontal cortex of the brain, allowing us to make better decisions.
Smart Bite: The Joy of Music
Music has an amazing ability to lift our spirits by releasing the pleasure-related neurotransmitter dopamine as we listen. It is also a powerful way to evoke memory. Music may jog an explicit memory such as “where was I that summer when this song was popular?” but it also summons implicit memories. These are more reactive, emotional memories that occur outside of consciousness.
Smart Bite: Sleep Ease
For centuries, people have sought a youth pill without realizing it is already available and free. It is called sleep. Getting the recommended 7-8 hours per night provides an abundance of benefits, including a healthier heart, an increased ability to fight malignancy, improved learning and memory, and better weight control.
Smart Bite: Try an Exercise Snack
A 2020 study of 168,000 people using data from over 68,000 fitness trackers showed that activity levels were down about 39% while sleep time increased by 20% (1). While the sleep is probably a good thing for most of us, lack of movement is a problem. Not only does sedentary behavior lead to weight gain, but it is connected to greater levels of depression and anxiety.
Smart Bite: Easier Meal Prep
Smart Bite: Sugar High
Sugar increases dopamine levels in the brain, providing pleasure with every sip of soda or bite of chocolate. It also activates the insula in each hemisphere of the brain, triggering an emotional response that rewards us even when we think of a favorite sweet. On top of this, sugar affect other brain regions like…
Show Yourself Some Compassion
Self-compassion helps us treat ourselves with the same kindness and caring as we would show to others. If a friend said, "I am so sick of all these restrictions and not being able to go out," you would never say, "Oh, just get over it and be happy for what you've got." Never! Yet that is what we tell ourselves, hoping to shore up our emotions with a stiff upper lip. The problem is, it doesn't work. We end up judging and criticizing ourselves, feeling worse as a result.
Take Action on Your Healthy Intentions
Smart Bite: High Anxiety
Let's Rethink Aging
For more than five thousand years, "old" was defined as between 60 and 70 years of age. With people living longer, it means that many of us will spend more time in elderhood than childhood. Sadly, at a time when we are living longer than before, we've made old age into a disease -- a condition to be denigrated and denied.
Dr. Louise Aronson, physician and award-winning author, says it's time to rethink aging in America.